FINE PRINT: Leave and Earnings Statement
CALCULATE: Reconcile Your Checkbook
CASE STUDY: Bank on This
CASE STUDY: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
CREATE: Your Savings Goals
FINE PRINT: Checking Account Agreement
FINE PRINT: Checking Account Statement
MOVE: Using the Rule of 72
MOVE: Your Account Balance
PLAY: It Costs HOW Much?
PROJECT: Use a PSA to Inspire Saving
CASE STUDY: How Do I Budget?
COMPARE: Needs vs. Wants
CREATE: Prom Pitch Showdown
FINE PRINT: Electricity Bill
FINE PRINT: Residential Lease
MOVE: Build Your Budget
MOVE: The Average American Budget
MOVE: The Real Relationship Test
PLAY: The Bean Game
PROJECT: Budgeting with Roommates
PROJECT: Rein In Your Wants
FINE PRINT: Auto Lease Agreement
FINE PRINT: Vehicle History Report
MOVE: Car Smarts Scavenger Hunt
ANALYZE: The Difficulty of Buying a Home
ANALYZE: A High School Resume and Cover Letter
COMPARE: Choosing Between Job Offers
CREATE: A Practice Job Application
MOVE: Career Comparison
MOVE: Career Kick-Off
MOVE: Types of Employment
PROJECT: Who Aced the Interview Challenge?
PROJECT: You Decide: Who Gets the Job?
SOFT SKILLS: Accepting Criticism
SOFT SKILLS: Conflict Resolution
SOFT SKILLS: Good Communication
SOFT SKILLS: Positive Attitude
SOFT SKILLS: Self-Confidence
ANALYZE: What is My Role as a Consumer?
MOVE: What Will You Buy?
PLAY: Spot the Scam Signs
RESEARCH: Comparison Shopping
PLAY: The Bitcoin Rollercoaster
ANALYZE: Sample Business Plans
CREATE: A Business Idea
INTERVIEW: An Entrepreneur
FINE PRINT: Auto Insurance Declaration Page
FINE PRINT: Health Benefits Form
FINE PRINT: Renters Insurance Agreement
MOVE: Insurance Policy Pursuit
MOVE: What Determines Your Insurance Premium?
ANALYZE: Inequalities in Investing
FINE PRINT: Bond Fund Fact Sheet
FINE PRINT: Stock Index Fund Fact Sheet
FINE PRINT: Target Date Fund Fact Sheet
MOVE: Let's Make a Mutual Fund
MOVE: Let's Make the S&P 500
PLAY: Roll with the Market
PROJECT: Timing the Market
FINE PRINT: Credit Report
MOVE: Making Credit Decisions
MOVE: Up and Down with Credit Scores
PROJECT: Craft a Credit Score Game
CASE STUDY: What College Should I Attend?
FINE PRINT: Financial Aid Package
MOVE: Financial Aid Fundamentals Scavenger Hunt
ANALYZE: Trends in American Philanthropy
ANALYZE: Inequalities in Investing
ANALYZE: The Racialized Costs of Banking
ANALYZE: Should They File a Tax Return?
COMPARE: Tax Forms and their Purpose
MOVE: Paycheck Scavenger Hunt
MOVE: Your Tax Dollar in Action
ANALYZE: Categorizing Credit
FINE PRINT: Credit Card Statement
FINE PRINT: Schumer Box
MOVE: Credit Musical Chairs
MOVE: Making Credit Decisions