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- What careers are Gen Z most interested in?
- What sneaker is resold the most on eBay?
- How long does the average user spend on TikTok a day?

- The Creator Economy: What are the ways creators can make money from their work?
- Buy Now, Pay Later: Learn about the new "Layaway" plans taking over the shopping world!

Daily blog content
- Teacher Tip - Interactive: What's the S&P 500?
- Activity Idea: How To Make Credit Scores Engaging!
- Looking For A Simulation? Here Are Ten Games Your Students Will Love!
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If you're looking for ways to collaborate on the fly, the Facebook group FinLit Fanatics is for you! Carefully screened to admit teachers only, FinLit Fanatics is a group where educators ask one another for advice, share best practices, upload classroom resources, and more.
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Tim & Jessica, NGPF Cofounders