$1M Grant program to increase access to personal finance
Schools that add a personal finance course in the 2025-26 school year will earn a $3,500 grant; those adding in the 2026-27 school year will receive $2,500. Districts can earn up to $35,000 if ten schools add a course next year!
For more information, see our CA Challenge flyer
Through a partnership with the California Department of Education, State Superintendent Tony Thurmond, and Next Gen Personal Finance, the California Access To Financial Education (CAFE) grant program will support the recently passed Assembly Bill 2927, which guarantees a standalone personal finance course for all California public high school students.
By adding personal finance to our high school graduation requirements, we acknowledge that managing household finances and building financial stability are essential life skills.
Every child should have the opportunity to build these essential skills before navigating adult financial choices, not just those who happen to have the opportunity to learn these concepts at home or through an elective.
- Tony Thurmond, State Superintendent
This grant program has two categories:
- $500 PD Stipend for Public High School Teachers
- Grants provided to San Francisco and Fresno districts to assist in implementation planning and scaling of the new personal finance course.
Grant period: Ongoing
For Educators
$500 PD Stipend for Public High School Teachers
Starting August 18, 2022, the first 1,000 California public high school teachers who complete 20 hours of professional development with NGPF will earn a $500 stipend.
Begin accumulating those hours today by registering for these FREE professional development opportunities:
- Certification Courses: 10 hours of live instruction delivered over a five-week period in 10 different content areas including behavioral economics, cryptocurrency basics, insurance and investing.
- On-Demand modules: 40+ hour-long modules that you can complete at your own pace, on your own schedule with a focus on current topics in personal finance.
- Virtual PD: Live virtual events offered multiple times weekly to help you brush up on your content knowledge and collaborate with educators from across the country.
For Districts
NGPF offered three-year grants to enable some of the largest public school districts in California to hire personal finance specialists:
We currently support:
- Fresno Unified School District
- San Francisco Unified School District
These specialists provide curriculum support and professional development to increase access to financial education within the district.
NGPF provided a grant of $125,000 per year to districts for a three-year period.
This grant program was modeled after NGPF’s successful Financial Equity and Empowerment grant program, currently operational in Milwaukee Public Schools (WI), Miami-Dade County Public Schools (FL), Prince George’s County Public Schools (MD), Clark County Public Schools (NV), and Denver Public Schools (CO).
Who is eligible to receive a professional development stipend?
The first 1,000 currently active public high school teachers in the state of California who complete 20 hours of NGPF professional development are eligible to receive a $500 stipend.
If I complete 40 hours of PD, will I be eligible for an additional $500 stipend?
Because we want to reach as many high school teachers as possible, we are limiting stipends to one per teacher. You are encouraged to take as much PD as desired.
How much time will I have to complete these 20 hours of professional development and earn this $500 stipend?
The grant program is not time-based but rather teacher-based. Funding is available to provide stipends to 1,000 California high school teachers who complete 20 PD hours.
As of September 9, 2024, there are more than 500 stipends available.
How will the stipends be provided and when?
You will receive a $500 Amazon e-gift card as a stipend. NGPF will process these stipends on a monthly rolling basis.
I already invested 20 hours in NGPF PD before the start of this program on August 18, 2022. Will I receive a $500 stipend based on this prior work?
No. The $500 stipend will only be given for hours completed on August 18, 2022 or later.
Are there costs for the professional development workshops?
NGPF offers all of its professional development at no cost. Over the past two years, 10,000+ educators nationwide have invested more than 250,000 hours in NGPF PD.
How can I sign up for these professional development workshops?
Head to the NGPF Academy page to learn about all of NGPF’s PD opportunities and to register.
I finished my 20 credits, what do I need to do?
NGPF will automatically tally your hours and will notify you that you are a recipient of the grant between 1 to 2 weeks after you complete the 20 credits.
Is NGPF an approved A-G program?
Yes, NGPF is approved for “G” credit. Learn more.