Jun 17, 2023

Collect 25+ Resources to Use This Fall

Some of NGPF's most popular live PD options are our 5 in 50 series, where we highlight 5 tremendous resources per unit, spanning from bell ringers to multi-period projects, so there's something for everyone. Plus, having the resources selected by our team of NGPF experts reduces the time you need to spend searching for the best stuff. We've got 5 events scheduled in the next two weeks, plus a BOLD Speaker Series happening this Thursday. 

5 in 50 opportunities (each 1 hour/1 NGPF Academy Credit)


Speaker Series (each 1 hour, 1 credit)

♠ This Week Thursday ♠ Chasing Bold Dreams: Startup Adventures with Joseph Mahavuthivanij of Go Boldly

♠ Next Week Thursday ♠ Money Smarts for Kids: Strategies and Resources from Julie Beckham of Ms. Money's Classroom


4 On-Demands to do any time

Self-paced, content-focused, and a great way to boost your credits before Academy closes June 30

  1. Summer 2023: 3 Trends in Personal Finance
  2. The Power of Habit
  3. Popular Budgeting Methods & Strategies
  4. Secondhand Savvy


If your school year has wound down, it's also the perfect time to register for a Cohort 35 Certification Course, starting the week of June 26. 

About the Author

Jessica Endlich

When I started working at Next Gen Personal Finance, it's as though my undergraduate degree in finance, followed by ten years as an educator in an NYC public high school, suddenly all made sense.

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